Prediction League Sign Up

FA Women’s Championship Prediction League

Instructions for Prediction League Sign-up

You MUST register an account to take part. (Click on the image above to get started)
Detailed Instructions are below (It’s not difficult but if you are stuck, email for assistance here)…

Click on the Euro Image above to begin the sign-up process to take part in the Prediction League

You will be asked to enter your Name, a Username, your Email address and select a Password

Enter your details
Click Create Account

You will receive a message that confirms your account has been created

Click login in the green bar

You will be prompted to enter your credentials

Enter your login details

Click Login

Predict your scores here
You do not have to predict all matches at once, you can enter however many you want to and scroll to the bottom of the screen and click Save
You can return to the prediction sheet whenever you want to to enter or change the scores for matches that have not been played yet
Click Save before leaving the page